கோ 2011 -
கண்ணோட்டம்:Ashwin is working with a Tamil daily news paper ‘Dina Anjali’ as aphotographer; he is very reliable dedicated to his job. He is very noted in his office for his craze over very different and daring pictures. Renuka and Saro are journalists working in the same office. Renuka is working as an investigation journalist who had earlier worked with very sensational news.Tamil Nadu elections are announced. Two major party heads are current Chief Minister Yogeswaran and opposition head Kota. They are doing everything to win the election, including giving money to the voters, bribing the electorate and rowdiesm. This is the time when Ashwin and Renuka’s articles happen to create a new force, Vasanthan – a Tamil youth also an engineer who accepts and have trust in true and clean politics, who wish to see a change in the society.